Search Help

You can run a search on The Register using the Search box on the top right of every page. Or visit


Case doesn't matter, so a search for colour irony or COLOUR IRONY both produce the same results.

Results match all the terms you search for (boolean AND).

Phrase Search

Use double quotes for phrase searches like "do no evil".

NOT and OR

To exclude a term from the results prefix it with a minus (-) character, such as microsoft -windows.

A query for bill OR steve matches documents with either (or both) names. However microsoft windows OR apple matches documents that must contain microsoft and either windows or apple.

You can also use these with the author filter.


By default results are sorted by date, however for queries on common words you may find using the Date and Relevance sorting produces better results:

sort by date

Advanced Search

Click the link to expand the Advanced search options:

advanced search

Once the Advanced fields are visible, the author field can limit a query for "spam" to those by Verity Stob.

Or leave the query blank to find all articles by an author, such as Otto Z. Stern.

Give it a go...